Thursday, December 12, 2013

6A&B: Self Assesment

To be completely honest, my first semester at Southern, as full time college student, was tough. Everything was completely new to me, so different from anything I have ever experienced before. There were times when I didn’t know if I would even make it this far. I survived it though! Now I can say, with great accomplishment, that I am going into the second semester of my college life with a wealth of knowledge and lessons that will help me to succeed. As I reflect back to the beginning of the year, I can see how much I have achieved and learned.
My biggest challenges, so far, have been getting my homework in on time and staying focused on school work. I found myself getting distracted by my phone, Netflix, my friends, and almost anything else. It was harmless at first but, it began to get in the way of my assignments. I also didn’t realize how much time and effort was needed for just one assignment. I would end up underestimating how hard it really was and, then, I would cram to finish it an hour or two before class. Even something that was easy to do, still involved a lot of time and effort. It would require research or interviews or, even, some added creativity. Luckily, I was able to fix these challenges before my grades began to suffer too much.
My biggest achievement, so far, would, most likely, be not going home every weekend. One of the reasons I picked this school was because it was far enough away from home, where I could stay and create a life but, still go home as often as I needed to, without it being too much of a hassell. Little did I know that this would be such a tease. Every time Friday rolled around, I was so tempted to jump on a ferry and go back to my comfy home. Especially, because almost everyone here clears out on the weekends. I am also very close to my family and a lot of my friends stayed home. There was a lot was temptation for me to go home, but I knew I had to start learning how to live on my own, and I needed to make new friends. I try to go home at least once a month.   
Next semester has to be different, I am going to make sure of that. My grades are going to matter more for the Communications Disorders Program. I can officially apply to the program. This means I need to keep, at least, a 3.0 average. I also want to take on some more responsibility, too. I really need a job. I would really like to get one on campus, mainly because I don’t have a car here and I don’t want to bring it on campus. I am hoping to get a job as a lifeguard during free swim hours at Peltz gym. I also want to join a sorority. I will be rushing Delta Phi Epsilon in the beginning of January. I know its a lot more to take on, but I know I can handle it if I stay focused.
My first semester at Southern taught me a lot. Not all of it was academics either. I learned how to make friends and how to be a better friend. I learned how to set and maintain achievable goals. I have even learned how to be a better all around student. I can’t believe the first semester is over already. It was such a great experience for me. Time really does fly by. Hopefully, the next semester will teach me even more.

16V: Freedom

Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Basically, you can do anything you want and not worry about getting into trouble or, having someone judge you. Sometimes, the notion of freedom can go straight to people’s heads and, they take advantage of it. This usually happens when a restrained person first gets a taste of freedom. There are always consequences to every action. Some may be an actual punishment and, others, are just hurt pride, or bruised consciences. Just because you have freedom, does not mean you should abuse it. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

15V: Autonomy

Autonomy is defined as the state of existing or acting separately from others.  In a college sense, it is being on your own.  You are existing, separately, from the guiding adults that have watched over you for the pivotal years of your life.  Autonomy of a college student is, living several consecutive days without someone making sure you are doing your homework, or eating right, or geting home on time.  Here, there are only a few people to make sure you are safe, the rest is up to you.  Obviously, this can refer to almost anyone, in certain circumstances, but, this is the most common and easily relatable example for my classmates, my target audience and myself.

15I: Puppy Therapy

Did you know that petting a dog can lower your blood pressure by 10 points? This relieves stress and allows your brain to produce more endorphins to keep or put you in a good mood. I learned this from one of the volunteers at the puppy therapy session that our school hosted on December 4, 2013. A group of therapy dogs, and their “volunteers” came to Farnham Halls’ basement. All the dogs had to do was sit there and be adored by random college students. Some dogs did a few tricks, others just enjoyed the attention they were receiving. It really did relieve my stress.  It made me smile too.

15B: Finals Already

I can not believe it is already time for final exams.  It feels like we just started the semester.  I did not even realize how much I learned in my classes until, I began reviewing my notes to see what I had to study for my final exams.  It turns out, I have at least five full pages of typed, single spaced notes for each class, on an average.  It did not feel like that much information as the year was going on.  
My plan of action is simple:  first, I will condense the pile of notes I have into outlines or, study guides, with information that I think, hope, will be on the exams. They will be quick things to remember and things that I always seem to forget.  I would love to keep the outline limited to only one page long.  I know that will be very hard to do but, it is possible.  Once the outines are made, and most likely color coded, I will read and re-read the material until I memorize it.   
Next, I will make flashcards,  I love flashcards.  I don’t know why but, they work the best for me. I think it is because it is more interactive and they allow me to question, challenge and test myself.  I even have a flash card app on my phone. So, obviously, I will turn my outlines into flashcards. In a weird way, I am looking forward to making and using my flash cards.  The material may not be fun but, the challenge is.  
I have already started reviewing for my finals.  I am not too stressed and, for a change, I feel like I am on top of things.  Don’t get me wrong, I am very nervous about the tests, but I feel like I will be prepared.  Luckily, I have five days in between my final exams so, I have a lot of time to study for each exam. With this plan, I hope it will all be fine.  

15A: Revisions

In class, we reviewed my final video draft.  I knew about some problems that I was not able to fix in time for class.  For instance, I could not figure out how to upload music.  I have the song I want but, I can not figure out how to get it onto the video.  So, now, there is four and a half minutes of awkward silence.  Then, my friends and I were all on different schedules when we got back to school after break so there was no way I could get my skit video taped in time for the peer review.  Luckly, I know exactly how I want the skit to go and, I ran the idea by my friends, so we are all on the same page for when we actually find some time to video tape it. 
My classmates gave me some great advice. They suggested that I include a clip from this movie called Speechless. The movie itself does not have much to do with drinking but, the opening scene is a perfect attention graber.
Also, the drinking policy is very long and confusing; but, it is very important to include it in the presentation in some way.  They recomended that I show they whole policy really fast, all at once.  It is meant to show everyone how long it is and to show that nobody reads it.  Since you won’t be able read the policy, I will paraphrase it.  
Another helpful tip was to talk to the campus police.  They should have a lot of information on campus policy and, they would even be able to answer some questions my classmates and I have on the policy.  I think, I will also go to the judicial affairs office and ask them for some statistics.
I thought the peer review was very helpful.  I was not confident that the video was any good, so this was really helpful for me.  I plan to use as much of their tips as possible.