Saturday, August 31, 2013

1B: My style

While doing some research on blogs, I realized that most blogs are made to inform people of all different things.  Anyone can write a blog and anyone can reply to a blog if they would like to.  I always thought blogs were online diaries, or places where people went to complain about anything and everything.  Most of the blogs are actually magazines, newspapers and, sometimes, even cookbooks.  My blog won’t be a magazine or newspaper, obviously.  I also don’t want my blog to be a published diary or a place where people go to complain or vent.  I would like to try and combine the information from newspapers and magazines and the diary style into one blog.  Just like the New York Times, Time Magazine, and the National Public Radio blogs, I will try to inform people with things I learn throughout my college experience.  Similar to Rebecca’s Pocket, Tagan’s Kitchen, and Productive Flourishing, I want to give advice, helpful tips and strategy’s to make college life a little bit easier and, hopefully, more fun for them.  I also want to be able to share my thoughts and opinions with other people and have them share their thoughts and opinions with me.  I will be able to compare their experiences and advice with mine and that will, hopefully, give people a lot of information that will be helpful to them.  I want the blog to be interactive, informational and truthful.  I only want to talk about actual things that happened to me and the other people on the blog.  I only want to give good advice that will help people before they make the same mistakes I did.  Consider this my online, informative journal.  There will be no specific theme or topic. It will include anything and everything that I encounter.  I will write to the best of my ability and continue to do research to keep this blog as up to date as possible.

1V: Inquiry

inˌkwī(ə)rē:  It is a noun and it is the act of asking for information.  I still don’t think I am saying it correctly.  This class, Inquiry, must be the center for all question and, hopefully, all the answers.  Since this is a class required for all freshman, we will most likely “inquire” about the “in’s and out’s” of college.  In Persuasion in Media we are learning about living in “mediated world.” This means media is involved in our daily lives and decisions by “persuading” us by images, symbols and language. Living in this “media” world makes things easier, especially for this type of class.  Information is easily accessible, you just have to know where to look for it.

1I: To rush or not to rush

Ever since 5th grade, I wanted to be in a sorority.  Strange to have a dream like that so young, or at all.  I can’t even tell you where I got the idea in the first place.  Naturally, at the Involvement fair I spoke to every sorority.  I asked over million questions to each one and now I am stuck.  Southern Connecticut has four sororities on campus; Omega Zeta Pi, Alpha sigma Alpha, Delta Phi Epsilon and Sigma Gamma Rho.  I was able to narrow my choices down to two; Delta Phi Epsilon, and Omega Zeta Pi.  They are both very similar which will make it difficult to choose.  I hope to decide and get a bid for the sorority I think is best for me.

Friday, August 30, 2013

1A: The Perfect Balance.

 “Do a lot of activities and get good grades so you can get into a good college.” I was told that growing up. I always thought college was the last step. After senior year of high school, all I have to do is have fun at college, do the work I’m asked and I will get a great job.  My plan was as easy as that. Even with all the warnings from my teachers explaining how hard it would be, I didn’t listen.  I assumed it would be different for me. Now that I am here, it’s clear that I have to add a few more steps to my plan.    I intend to graduate and be accepted into the communication disorders master’s program.  It’s a competitive field which means I will need to do more work than asked.  I have no problem with the work load.  I know if I study hard and take full advantage of all the class assistance that Southern Connecticut has to offer, I will be fine.  The tricky part will be managing ALL the aspects of my college life.  This is my opportunity to be the person I always wanted to be.  I no longer have to hide behind someone just to fit in.  I can finally be the best version of myself.  College will not only allow me to accomplish my career goals, but it will also allow me to become the social butterfly I was too shy to ever be before.  I know Southern Connecticut is the perfect place for me to accomplish this because, there is so much to do on campus. Which brings me back to the tricky part.  How can I keep a 3.0, attend rush events and practice with the dance club 3 times a week all at the same time? I am going to need to adjust my plan.