Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
6A&B: Self Assesment
To be completely honest, my first semester at Southern, as full time college student, was tough. Everything was completely new to me, so different from anything I have ever experienced before. There were times when I didn’t know if I would even make it this far. I survived it though! Now I can say, with great accomplishment, that I am going into the second semester of my college life with a wealth of knowledge and lessons that will help me to succeed. As I reflect back to the beginning of the year, I can see how much I have achieved and learned.
My biggest challenges, so far, have been getting my homework in on time and staying focused on school work. I found myself getting distracted by my phone, Netflix, my friends, and almost anything else. It was harmless at first but, it began to get in the way of my assignments. I also didn’t realize how much time and effort was needed for just one assignment. I would end up underestimating how hard it really was and, then, I would cram to finish it an hour or two before class. Even something that was easy to do, still involved a lot of time and effort. It would require research or interviews or, even, some added creativity. Luckily, I was able to fix these challenges before my grades began to suffer too much.
My biggest achievement, so far, would, most likely, be not going home every weekend. One of the reasons I picked this school was because it was far enough away from home, where I could stay and create a life but, still go home as often as I needed to, without it being too much of a hassell. Little did I know that this would be such a tease. Every time Friday rolled around, I was so tempted to jump on a ferry and go back to my comfy home. Especially, because almost everyone here clears out on the weekends. I am also very close to my family and a lot of my friends stayed home. There was a lot was temptation for me to go home, but I knew I had to start learning how to live on my own, and I needed to make new friends. I try to go home at least once a month.
Next semester has to be different, I am going to make sure of that. My grades are going to matter more for the Communications Disorders Program. I can officially apply to the program. This means I need to keep, at least, a 3.0 average. I also want to take on some more responsibility, too. I really need a job. I would really like to get one on campus, mainly because I don’t have a car here and I don’t want to bring it on campus. I am hoping to get a job as a lifeguard during free swim hours at Peltz gym. I also want to join a sorority. I will be rushing Delta Phi Epsilon in the beginning of January. I know its a lot more to take on, but I know I can handle it if I stay focused.
My first semester at Southern taught me a lot. Not all of it was academics either. I learned how to make friends and how to be a better friend. I learned how to set and maintain achievable goals. I have even learned how to be a better all around student. I can’t believe the first semester is over already. It was such a great experience for me. Time really does fly by. Hopefully, the next semester will teach me even more.16V: Freedom
Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Basically, you can do anything you want and not worry about getting into trouble or, having someone judge you. Sometimes, the notion of freedom can go straight to people’s heads and, they take advantage of it. This usually happens when a restrained person first gets a taste of freedom. There are always consequences to every action. Some may be an actual punishment and, others, are just hurt pride, or bruised consciences. Just because you have freedom, does not mean you should abuse it.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
15V: Autonomy
Autonomy is defined as the state of existing or acting separately from others. In a college sense, it is being on your own. You are existing, separately, from the guiding adults that have watched over you for the pivotal years of your life. Autonomy of a college student is, living several consecutive days without someone making sure you are doing your homework, or eating right, or geting home on time. Here, there are only a few people to make sure you are safe, the rest is up to you. Obviously, this can refer to almost anyone, in certain circumstances, but, this is the most common and easily relatable example for my classmates, my target audience and myself.
15I: Puppy Therapy
Did you know that petting a dog can lower your blood pressure by 10 points? This relieves stress and allows your brain to produce more endorphins to keep or put you in a good mood. I learned this from one of the volunteers at the puppy therapy session that our school hosted on December 4, 2013. A group of therapy dogs, and their “volunteers” came to Farnham Halls’ basement. All the dogs had to do was sit there and be adored by random college students. Some dogs did a few tricks, others just enjoyed the attention they were receiving. It really did relieve my stress. It made me smile too.
15B: Finals Already
I can not believe it is already time for final exams. It feels like we just started the semester. I did not even realize how much I learned in my classes until, I began reviewing my notes to see what I had to study for my final exams. It turns out, I have at least five full pages of typed, single spaced notes for each class, on an average. It did not feel like that much information as the year was going on.
My plan of action is simple: first, I will condense the pile of notes I have into outlines or, study guides, with information that I think, hope, will be on the exams. They will be quick things to remember and things that I always seem to forget. I would love to keep the outline limited to only one page long. I know that will be very hard to do but, it is possible. Once the outines are made, and most likely color coded, I will read and re-read the material until I memorize it.
Next, I will make flashcards, I love flashcards. I don’t know why but, they work the best for me. I think it is because it is more interactive and they allow me to question, challenge and test myself. I even have a flash card app on my phone. So, obviously, I will turn my outlines into flashcards. In a weird way, I am looking forward to making and using my flash cards. The material may not be fun but, the challenge is.
I have already started reviewing for my finals. I am not too stressed and, for a change, I feel like I am on top of things. Don’t get me wrong, I am very nervous about the tests, but I feel like I will be prepared. Luckily, I have five days in between my final exams so, I have a lot of time to study for each exam. With this plan, I hope it will all be fine.
15A: Revisions
In class, we reviewed my final video draft. I knew about some problems that I was not able to fix in time for class. For instance, I could not figure out how to upload music. I have the song I want but, I can not figure out how to get it onto the video. So, now, there is four and a half minutes of awkward silence. Then, my friends and I were all on different schedules when we got back to school after break so there was no way I could get my skit video taped in time for the peer review. Luckly, I know exactly how I want the skit to go and, I ran the idea by my friends, so we are all on the same page for when we actually find some time to video tape it.
My classmates gave me some great advice. They suggested that I include a clip from this movie called Speechless. The movie itself does not have much to do with drinking but, the opening scene is a perfect attention graber.
Also, the drinking policy is very long and confusing; but, it is very important to include it in the presentation in some way. They recomended that I show they whole policy really fast, all at once. It is meant to show everyone how long it is and to show that nobody reads it. Since you won’t be able read the policy, I will paraphrase it.
Another helpful tip was to talk to the campus police. They should have a lot of information on campus policy and, they would even be able to answer some questions my classmates and I have on the policy. I think, I will also go to the judicial affairs office and ask them for some statistics.
I thought the peer review was very helpful. I was not confident that the video was any good, so this was really helpful for me. I plan to use as much of their tips as possible.Monday, December 2, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
14I: The trip home.
The shuttle that drives students to union station picks you up in the parking lot of Moral Hall. It is small but comfortable. You have to get to Moral Hall early because the shuttle bus fills up quickly.
Since it is two days before Thanksgiving break, everyone and their mother is trying to get home. By the time I got off the shuttle, I only had five minutes to get to the platform. I noticed that the lines to buy tickets was very long. Thank goodness I remembered to buy a train ticket ahead of time.
The train ride was nice. I managed to find a secluded seat all the way in the back of the train. I just plugged my headphones in and relaxed. The train is always so relaxing.
At the Bridgeport stop, the train lets you out right by the water. It is just a few feet away from the ferry! This means that I am almost home!!Friday, November 22, 2013
14B: Thank goodness.
Thank goodness for Thanksgiving. It came around just in time this year. Any longer and, I think, I might have gone crazy. This semester has been very stressful for me. Between different/odd teaching styles, midterms, making and keeping new friends and registering for classes for next semester. I felt like my head would explode under all the pressure. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun, a good experience, and I have been doing well with all my classes, but, the dramatic change in and of itself causes my head to hurt whenever I think about it. I just need a few days to chill in my own bed, with my dog, in my natural habitat. Or, at least, for the few minutes between flashcard.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
14V: Investment
The most recognized definition of Investment is, “the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.” For example, this would be like giving an entrepreneur a certain amount of money to help get their business started. Once the business starts making money, the money would usually be returned to you with a slight increase.
A less know definition of Investment is, “an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.” For example, this is like going to a food bank for an hour or so to stock shelves with food, help people coming in to “shop” for food and organizing other donations that were received. In this scenario, you don’t get anything monetary back for your “investment”. Most of the time you get paid or receive some other type of compensation, depending on the activity and type of investment.
14A: Eat, Sleep, Gym, Repeat.
According to the article, “Relax! You’ll be more productive,” your time will be better spent if you separate your work load into 90 minute intervals. This allows you to stay energized, healthy and focused longer. I plan on testing this out during break.
I have a lot to do between studying for finals, getting back into shape, spending time with family and catching up on sleep. Not to mention, watching all the TV shows I missed out on, but that’s not a huge priority. Anyway, I have a lot to do and only a week in which to do it.
So, my plan is to wake up at eight o’clock, just like I usually do, so as to not mess up my sleeping schedule, and begin my day with a nice walk around the neighborhood with my dogs and my dad, if he’s up. You may think this won’t take 90 minutes but, I live in a large neighborhood and I have four dogs that each have to be walked separately. Next, I will have breakfast. Hopefully, the rest of my family will be up by then so we can all chat and catch up. After that, I will study. I am only going to study, or work on one subject at a time, just to avoid confusion and to try and stay focused better. Then, I will do a sequenced workout my brother made for me. With any luck, most of the 90 minutes will be used for actual calorie burning and not me gasping for air. Next, I will have lunch and maybe even watch a show with my mom at the same time. Then it is back to the books!
This is when the repeat comes in. Obviously, I am not going to plan out my day by the minute. This plan will end up changing and varying, depending on what my family has planned or if friends stop by and I can’t get away. I will do my best to stick to this routine as much as possible because, I really think it will help me get a lot done. Even if I am only able to do it for one full day.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
13I: Registration
My roommate and I woke up at 5:30 a.m. on Monday, November 18, 2013. We turned on the lights, opened the window and both made a nice, hot cup of tea. Basically, we did anything that would help keep us awake and alert for what might lie ahead for us. As our laptops warmed up, we openly reflected on what we might be in for. We discussed our worry about not getting into the classes we wanted; the mad rush that might boot us off the website; and, even the slight chance that the internet might fail. We took turns being the positive voice of reason and the negative nelly. It is now 5:58 a.m., and we are both silent, staring at our computer screens. We plugged our pin numbers in on the web site and prepared to press send at 6:00 a.m.
When the clock struck 6:00 a.m.,exactly, all hell broke loose. Both of us were immediately kicked off the web site. For the next half hour we were both frantic. We were refreshing and re-logging on, only to be kicked off seconds later. My roommate began to curse in frustration. She called her friends that were trying to register too, to see if they were having the same problem. They were! I began to pace back forth across the room while pressing the refresh button.
When 7:00 a.m. came around, my pin number was finally accepted. Unfortunately, I was only able to get into one of my classes. I plugged the rest of my choices in and only two of those classes were accepted. In a panic, I picked two random classes that fit in my schedule and were in my curriculum.
At 8:00 a.m., I was finished. I looked over the schedule that I made and it was terrible. I had a 4 hour class that ended at 10:00 p.m. I also got stuck with a terrible, non-english speaking math teacher. I knew I had a long week of corrections to make.
13B: “Bippity Boppity Boo.”
I like to think I am a creative person. My creative expertise usually lies in the addition, and overuse, of glitter, glitter glue, basically anything that sparkles. That is more than most people. Sadly, computers and glitter don’t mix well. Trust me, I tried mixing them. So when it comes to video projects, I am completely in the dark. I can barely add music to my playlist without frying my hard drive.
My main plan for adding a high level of creativity to my final video project was “magic”. Preferably pixie dust, only because it’s glitters. Unfortunately, in the words of Giselle from Enchanted, “I don’t know where I can find a fairy god-mother at this late hour.” So, it looks like I will be relying on the various tutorial videos found on youtube.
Luckily, I do have a rather interesting plan of creativity and how I am going to get my information across to the audience. My topic is, “How Southern handles drinking”. So I am going to start my video by displaying Southern’s drinking policy. Then, I will play, as a voice recording, the opinions of students who like this drinking policy and their reasons why. After that, I will show a short skit of a real scenario where the drinking policy is at fault. Next, I will display some research from accredited sources that says what schools shouldn't do, and, of course, some more opinions from students. Then, some examples of drinking policies from other colleges that are safer, and more fair. Finally, more research, and students ideas on a better drinking policy.
Hopefully, this creative display of information and gradual persuasion will be enough to distract people from the bland background and lack of sparkle. Not to mention, the lack of decent music and good filming. I will do my best, and maybe the tutorial videos will teach me something I can use.
13V: Purpose
“What is my purpose?” This may be a common question from actors but, it is actually a pretty valid question. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or, for which something exists. In motivational terms, purpose is the reason why you work hard, practice long hours, study until dawn and stress until your hair falls out. Motivation is the reason for one's behavior.
Motivation and purpose are essentially the same thing. They are both the driving force that keeps you moving towards a better, or more comfortable, future. Most of the time, it is a tangible item like a prize, or an object to save for. Other times, it is a title, or a place on the field. Either way, purpose keeps you improving.13A: Lights! Camera! Research!
I am not an expert video maker. In fact, I am barely an amature video maker. I needed a lot of help when I was putting together my midterm video project. I didn’t even know how to add music to the background! Technology and I never got along, from the very start. Lucky for me, technology will not stop me from creating a high level video draft for my final project.
Fancy equipment and dazzling special effects can only get you so far. Don’t get me wrong, they are very cool and they do add another level of effort, expertise, and creativity to your project; but, I can still get a very good grade without all the smoke and mirrors.
Research is key. Actually, patience might be the key to keep me from throwing my computer across the room when the video software fails me. So, that makes research my new best friend. With a lot of research on my topic from several different resources, sites, and points of view, I will be able to create a well rounded, informative video. I will also be able to create a strong argument for my point.
I currently have three opinionated interviews from students of various years. Each interview consists of their opinion, an explanation of why they feel this way and an example of their point. I also have several different articles that include surveys, data and testimonies from accredited persons and places. At this moment, I only have two different written examples of policies from two known colleges; but, I hope to get a couple of more and compare them, helping the audience to create their own opinion.
Research will help tremendously. It help to create a full understanding of my topic and argument. It will also help me put forward a good argument. With any luck, I may be able to convince some important people, which would result in a change. For right now, I will just settle for an A.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
12I: Movie Night
Every Tuesday evening, at 8:00 p.m., Procon hosts a movie night. They show a relatively new movie each week; complete with candy, drinks and a few other snacks. It is held in the student center, on the second floor in the back theater.
This week they showed, "We are The Miller's." It is about a small time drug dealer that convinces three acquaintances to pretend to be his family so he can transport drugs over the border. It is a very funny movie.
I recommend movie night in Procon. You get the entire experience; it was completely free and it felt like a real movie theater. The only thing missing is the popcorn.
12A: Why is this class important?
- What is the value of a liberal arts education?
The value of a liberal arts education is the ability to have options. I’m not just talking about this type of business class or another type of business class. The option to choose to take the classes that truly interest you. If I am a business major, I am allow to take an art class, or a philosophy class if I want to. I get the education I need for my major and chosen career as well as the education that truly interests me. I have the ability to have a “well-rounded” education. According to Emily Booker, “I've taken classes I would have never given a second thought, and have walked away with a wealth of cultural, scientific, language and mathematical knowledge.” Without these “extra” classes, she wouldn’t have the same interests and knowledge she does now. Students with a liberal arts education can value the options they are given to take whatever class they want to, whenever they want to.
- What does it provide students with?
A liberal arts education teaches students how to adjust and grow with the changing world and job industry. Instead of being trained for "Yesterday's jobs", us students are taught how to think outside the box and come up with creative, problem solving solutions on the spot and in any environment. “We can teach new hires the content, and we will have to because it continues to change, but we can’t teach them how to think — to ask the right questions — and to take initiative. ” A liberal arts education provides students with the ability to ask the right questions and to take initiative. Liberal arts students become more equipped to evolve, adjust to change, and lead any group of people in any situation.
Friday, November 15, 2013
12V: Interdisciplinary Perspective
According to Griffith University, Interdisciplinary Perspective is a perspective “in which two or more disciplines are brought together, preferably in such a way that the disciplines interact with one another and have some effect on one another’s perspectives.” In other words, if you look at an object or situation with one point of view and then look at that same object or situation with a different point of view, you will get a completely different appearance. The combination of these two points of view is interdisciplinary perspective. This is often used to improve on something, or find a deeper understanding or meaning.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
12B: Liberal Arts
What are the benefits of having a liberal arts education?
A liberal arts education is very important. This type of education can help you get a job, create a new job, expand your knowledge, and prepare you for the changing world. This statement is supported by several of this weeks reading assignments.
According to Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, “We can teach new hires the content, and we will have to because it continues to change, but we can’t teach them how to think — to ask the right questions — and to take initiative.” Thomas L. Friedman quoted Wagner a lot, throughout his article, “Need a job? Invent one.” All throughout, they discuss how difficult it is for recent college graduates to not only get a job but, to keep one. Wagner feels that people with the ability to think critically and come up with new and creative ideas will be able to keep a job for longer or, be able to create a new type of job that allows them to excel. By the time a student in a Liberal Arts education system graduates, they should be able to think critically and creatively. That is the main goal of a Liberal Arts education.
In the article, “Liberal Arts Education and the ‘know-nothing’ Bandwagon”, the author discusses a lecture she gave in China. They are very interested in this type of an education because, they mainly have a specialized education system that prepares students for jobs, “Yesterday's jobs, I tend to think.” The author mentions that a specialized education system will only give you the traits to survive a specific job; “just the kinds of traits that will doom one to irrelevance in the contemporary culture and society.” With this statement, she expresses the complete uselessness of only mastering traits and skills that will only benefit you in only one aspect of your life. It doesn’t allow you to grow with the changing jobs, or help you hold an informative, intellectual conversation.
Friday, November 8, 2013
11A: Inquiry Questions
- How can you speed up the creative process without sacrificing your outside life?
Most creative thinking takes time and patience. According to the “short lesson on perspective” article, this, unfortunately, involves missing out on a few date nights, parties, birthdays and other important events. These are sacrificed because we become so frustrated with the lack of good ideas or, even, the lack of any idea. We become fixated and determined to create something breathtaking. The best way, I find, to do this is to come up with a lot of ideas, write them down, walk away, take a lunch break or nap. Then, after a little while, look over your ideas and get rid of a few of them. Continue this process until you only have a handful left. Then, sleep on it. When you wake up and look at what you have it should be your best possible idea. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time. I don’t see why this can’t be done along with your social life.
- What makes Arthur Fry’s daydream different from other, more common daydreams?
Arthur Fry is the creator of the Post-it. He came up with this idea from a daydream about his bookmarks falling out of his books. He then began to think about a new kind of weak glue. Something strong enough to hold two pieces of paper together but, weak enough to be pulled apart with the slight of hand. This type of daydream is unusual to me because, most people’s daydream’s are about their fantasies or wishes that are very far off and hard to come by. Yet ,this innovator dreams about new ways to be productive.
- How does the creative industry hold people of creative nature ransom to their own self image?
People of a creative nature are held ransom because of their fear of not being creative enough to please everyone. Most jobs lack creativity. People learn to live without the need to be creative. So, for jobs that require creativity, there is a lot more pressure on these creative people. These people become less willing to put their ideas out there because they don't want to be criticized or rejected. The pressure of coming up with the best idea keeps creative people from coming up with great ideas.
- Why is it important to introduce kids to a boring environment on occasion?
Adults are always trying to keep kids interested in learning. In fact, they try to keep them interested in everything. Kids are constantly being entertained by fun games, or stories or activities. As good as it is to keep a child happy, it's important to build up their tolerance to boring things. This will strengthen their ability to sit through a long, dreary lecture, or poor work presentation. You can't count in kids to develop this on there own. They are over- stimulated from all the fun activities from their formative years. You must prepare them for the boring future, just as you would the challenging future.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
11V: Innovation
Innovation is the introduction of something new that will better the economy, help with production, a learning process, or even daily life. This could be a new idea, or a machine or, a remake of an already existing idea or machine. In order for something to be an innovation, it must have a positive impact on society; or offer a better type of living; or offer an important solution.
A breakthrough, or a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development, is very similar to an innovation. They are both an alteration, or change in a significant way, how we live, work, learn, and travel. Can you just imagine a world without the breakthrough of technology? Or the innovation of cell phones? Or the alteration of health care? All small, but important, impacts that have changed our world. 11I: Birthday Trip!
This week was one of my friends 18th birthday. I just met her when I came to Southern. Instead of just going to Conn Hall for dinner and getting whatever cake they have that night for her, a group of mutual friends got together and planned a surprise night on the town.
In preparation for this trip, we looked up the bus schedule. We learned we had to take the B bus to Temple & Church Street. All we had to do now was find Fitch Street, which is where the bus was going to pick us up from Southern. We found the stop right across the street from the student center. Right after a light dinner at Conn we went straight there.
We took the CT Transit bus to downtown New Haven and went to the Shake Shack. The Shake Shack is a really good burger place with delicious milk shakes and smoothies. After we finished our shakes and french fries, we walked the streets of New Haven for a bit. We just strolled along, joking around, singing out loud and doing goofy dares from a scavenger hunt game that we prepared earlier. After a few hours, we caught the 11:30 B1 bus back to school. It was a fun birthday trip off campus.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
10V: Creativity
Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, and methods. This includes, but is not limited to, writing, drawing, dancing, performing with an instrument, or performing on stage. Basically, the product of your creativity is your interpretation of something commonly seen in a different way.
An interpretation is the act of explaining, reframing, or otherwise showing your own understanding of something. When something appears one way, some people may see it differently. This is their personal interpretation of that object. Many people can express their interpretations through many different methods. 10A: Midterm Reflection
I like my midterm video. I think I did a good job on it. It had a clear beginning, a full middle and an end that tied everything together. It included all the necessary information about volunteering on campus that most freshmen are unaware of. I interviewed two staff members and five students and quoted them throughout the video. The length was just over the minimum time limit. Since I did meet all the requirements, and the video was well produced and submitted on time, I would give it an A- grade.
I know most college students are very busy but, volunteering is very important and easy. I tried to stress this in my video. I asked all the students I interviewed what are the reasons they didn’t volunteer on campus. That is exactly what I formated the video around. When students watch the video, I want them to related to the excuses and see the answers. Hopefully, some students will realize that volunteering on campus is good for the community, easy to get involved with and will benefit them when they begin to apply for jobs.
I admit, my midterm video isn’t perfect, that is why I only gave it an A-. Since this project was assigned in the middle of the first semester, during the time when everyone is preparing for midterms, there were no volunteer events or fundraisers. Most club meetings and events were put on hold until after this crazy, stressful time was over. This was bad news for my project because, it made it impossible for me to get any videos of students volunteering. I had to resort to old pictures from previous years and events. Unfortunately, most clubs, especially clubs that are very busy with outreach and servicing the community, don’t have the time to update or even add photos on their social media sites such as, collegiatelink, facebook, twitter, and instagram. This left me with very few pictures of events and information.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
10I: Shakespeare in Hollywood
There is a club on campus that is called the Crescent Players. They are a theater group that puts on various shows and plays throughout the year.
These past two weeks the Crescent Players have been performing a small cast play called Shakespeare in Hollywood. Don't worry it's not a play in Shakespearean text. It's basically a remake of Shakespeare's play Midsummers night dream.
It was a very cute production and it only cost $5. It was located in the Lyman center and the player perform three times a week for two w
eeks. There are always seats available so go check them out!
These past two weeks the Crescent Players have been performing a small cast play called Shakespeare in Hollywood. Don't worry it's not a play in Shakespearean text. It's basically a remake of Shakespeare's play Midsummers night dream.
It was a very cute production and it only cost $5. It was located in the Lyman center and the player perform three times a week for two w
eeks. There are always seats available so go check them out!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
9V: Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a type of disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence. Critical thinking requires you to look at different points of view and many different outcomes. You must dissect every possibility and figure out which is the best answer or opportunity. The most effective way to think critically would be to have a discussion. A discussion is the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas. If you have a discussion with people that are very similar to you and are going through the same situations as you, you are going to have a very dry, or lacking interest and information, discussion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
9I: Sonia Sotomayor
On Monday, October 21, 2013, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor came to Southern Connecticut State University. This assembly was a big deal. Tickets to see her were sold out and the lobby of the Lyman Center was packed. Everyone there was eager to see her. Most of us that were there have read her book,”My Beloved World.” This may be over exaggerating, but, speaking mainly for my friends and I, we felt like we practically knew her. We all have read her memoir, and we have heard about her work as a Supreme Court Justice. It was incredible to be able to meet her, well, to come close to meeting her.
9A: What does it mean?
“Mommy, why do I have to go to school? How can I become a princess when I get older? What does sorry mean? When can I stay up later at night?” When we were all younger, we asked a million questions about everything, all the time. Little did we know at the time, that was the first to step to critical thinking.
To me, critical thinking is when you come to a conclusion based on some facts, personal experience, personal opinion, popular opinion and outside of the box thinking. When it comes to this type of thinking, you are never wrong. You simply have an idea. People can disagree but, it is never completely wrong. For example, if you think that you will do better on a test if you use the same pencil on the test that you used when you took notes, then you are right, as long as it works for you. That doesn't mean that someone else who thinks that strategy will not work is wrong either. It is simply how you got to your conclusion that is important. If the strategy with the pencil has worked for you in the past, and you have rational reasoning as to why you think it works for you, that is critical thinking at its best.
Critical thinking is a good skill to have but, it is hard to develop. Especially within a strict high school curriculum. Most students are used to having an idea and then supporting it with multiple facts and surveys, as we all did in high school. We were never in any critical thinking classes and we were rarely apart of critical thinking discussions. Class arguments and debates were much more common. By the time we reach college, most of us are afraid to voice an opinion without facts because, we don't want to be wrong. Tuesday, October 22, 2013
9B: Doing well!
For this semester, I did very well. In fact, I did better than I thought I would do . My grades for this semester, so far, are B,B,B,A-. This averages out to about a B+. This was the goal I set for myself! All I have to do now is keep my average here. I, obviously, want to improve and will try to bring my grades up but, if they were to stay at a B+, I would not mind at all.
Reflecting back on the first half of the semester, I realized that I could do so much better for the next half of the semester. I would always do the homework that was due for my next class, first. This would work only because the homework gets handed in on time. I now realize that the homework was sometimes rushed or not done to the best of my ability. This is, most likely, due to the fact that it was due the next day and I did not have time to do my best and completely understand it before handing it in. Next semester, I plan to do the homework that is assigned, as it is assigned to me. For example, if a professor gives me homework on Monday and it is not due until Friday, I will do the assignment on Monday or Tuesday and use the days in between to review the assignment and make sure it is done to the best of my ability. I hope this will help increase my test scores and give me more confidence to speak up and participate in class.
I was very successful with studying strategies this semester. I was having trouble with that in the beginning of the year but, I think, I am finally getting the hang of it. I make flashcards of the material, read the cards over a couple of times everyday for a few days. Then I quiz myself on the material everyday, until the test or quiz. If the material isn't flash card accessible, which, often it is not, I will read over my notes a couple of times a day for a few days and then I quiz myself on the material everyday until the test or quiz.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
8B: Memoir
“Try to see the brighter side.”
“My Beloved World”, by Sonia Sotomayor, was an alright book.
It was, most likely, chosen for our Common Read book because it
demonstrated a great role model that had to overcome many challenges to get
where she is today. There were a lot of factors in her life that could
have held her back from achieving everything she accomplished. Sonia
Sotomayor always took a deep breath, studied hard and became the best person
she could be.
Throughout the book, there were also a lot of situations that
could be useful for college freshman to know. These situations gave a lot
of good advice and it also got us started on thinking about how we should
approach our freshman year. When Sonia Sotomayor first got to Princeton,
she didn't join any clubs or organizations. Instead, she took control of
her studies. She became comfortable with the workload and got secure
grades. It wasn't until her sophomore year that she joined clubs and
began to get involved with campus life. Even though many freshman at
Southern didn't follow her lead, it is a great plan. I referred back
to her book when I contemplated joining every club possible.
Something else I learned from Sonia Sotomayor’s book was to use
whatever I learned, from anywhere, to help me everywhere. She mentions, a
few times in her memoir, that the most important lessons and skills that have
helped her through the toughest of situations came from unexpected places.
She learned how to be a great public speaker, not from public speaking
class, or her debate team but, from her Abuelita reading poetry in the living
room. I am sure the class and the team practice helped a little but,
Abuelita showed Sonia how to add feeling and capture the attention of the
audience through passion. Sometimes, the most important lessons don’t have to
come from the classroom.
8V: Mastery
The first thing I thought of when
I saw this word was Masters’ Degree. I made this connection because, in order
to get a Masters’ Degree, you need to go through extensive schooling and have a
complete grasp or understanding of a particular subject. Mastery means
just that.
Mastery is to have expert skills,
or knowledge in a subject. In order to have a mastery in a certain subject, you
need to know all aspects of that subject. Also, you need to be able to use and
understand the subject. This involves a lot of patience and practice.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
7B: Nap time?
I never use to take naps when I was living at home. I could have had the roughest, longest day
and, I would still be awake to watch my television shows at 10 o’clock at
night. Here at school, I am always
tired. I could sleep a full eight hours
and wake up feeling like I haven’t slept in days. I don’t even know why I am always tired. I must have taken a dozen naps last
week. To me, that is a failure; to not
be able to stay awake. Excessive napping
may not seem like a failure to you but, it can lead to some real problems. For example, I will not be able to get my
homework done, and I will miss out on events and activities that Southern is
hosting if I napped all the time.
Last week, I took a nap between ALL of my classes, and even one
before dinner. Luckily, I was able to
finish all of my homework but, only because I didn’t have too much. If I have a lot of homework and I still take
a lot of naps, I probably won’t be able to finish all of it. Studying may also become
impossible because I might sleep through the time I allotted for studying.
Southern always has something fun and entertaining going on.
My friends and I love to attend theses event and activities. How awful would it be if I missed out on
something exciting because I was either doing homework, which I could have
finished earlier if I wasn’t taking a nap; or, if I was actually taking a nap
during the event or activity! I would be
so upset if that happened!
So far, I have only taken 2 naps this week and I feel great!
It was hard at first but, it is getting easier.
All I did was go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little
later. I also made sure I was always
sitting in an upright
position when I was
doing my homework so that I wouldn’t, accidentally, fall asleep.
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