How can you speed up the creative process without sacrificing your outside life?
Most creative thinking takes time and patience. According to the “short lesson on perspective” article, this, unfortunately, involves missing out on a few date nights, parties, birthdays and other important events. These are sacrificed because we become so frustrated with the lack of good ideas or, even, the lack of any idea. We become fixated and determined to create something breathtaking. The best way, I find, to do this is to come up with a lot of ideas, write them down, walk away, take a lunch break or nap. Then, after a little while, look over your ideas and get rid of a few of them. Continue this process until you only have a handful left. Then, sleep on it. When you wake up and look at what you have it should be your best possible idea. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time. I don’t see why this can’t be done along with your social life.
What makes Arthur Fry’s daydream different from other, more common daydreams?
Arthur Fry is the creator of the Post-it. He came up with this idea from a daydream about his bookmarks falling out of his books. He then began to think about a new kind of weak glue. Something strong enough to hold two pieces of paper together but, weak enough to be pulled apart with the slight of hand. This type of daydream is unusual to me because, most people’s daydream’s are about their fantasies or wishes that are very far off and hard to come by. Yet ,this innovator dreams about new ways to be productive.
How does the creative industry hold people of creative nature ransom to their own self image?
People of a creative nature are held ransom because of their fear of not being creative enough to please everyone. Most jobs lack creativity. People learn to live without the need to be creative. So, for jobs that require creativity, there is a lot more pressure on these creative people. These people become less willing to put their ideas out there because they don't want to be criticized or rejected. The pressure of coming up with the best idea keeps creative people from coming up with great ideas.
Why is it important to introduce kids to a boring environment on occasion?
Adults are always trying to keep kids interested in learning. In fact, they try to keep them interested in everything. Kids are constantly being entertained by fun games, or stories or activities. As good as it is to keep a child happy, it's important to build up their tolerance to boring things. This will strengthen their ability to sit through a long, dreary lecture, or poor work presentation. You can't count in kids to develop this on there own. They are over- stimulated from all the fun activities from their formative years. You must prepare them for the boring future, just as you would the challenging future.